Sunday, March 12, 2023

Dr. Sundari Mase

Dr. Sundari Mase, a scientist, may have saved my life. I'm in a risk category. During the first Covid years, Mase, who led the Sonoma County health response, helped keep the death count to about one in 1,000 people. Nationally the count was about one in 340. That means Mase's strictness helped save many lives in Sonoma County. 

She's resigning. She took a bucket of abuse from business owners and nuts in general who demanded a laxer approach to public health. She stood up to racist attacks. The media dug up a story about how, years ago, she was once arrested for drunk driving. 

Mase did have the support of many ordinary Sonoma County people who wanted to survive.  We wore masks. Thank you, Dr. Mase, for not letting anyone stop you from doing the right thing. 

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