Sunday, January 15, 2023

Bare Skin

The Missouri Republican super-majority leaders, rural stakeholders and morons, seem intent on clarifying the dress code for women elected to the state legislature. Basically they want female representatives to cover their arms  "to show respect." For what is worse in Missouri than a disrespectful woman? 

When it comes to specific coverings, Repubs are willing to compromise and call cardigan sweaters  "jackets," as long as they hide the skin. 

Cardigans are not jackets--that is a lie. 

Respect is something one earns by telling the truth and so on. You don't get respect by putting on thicker clothing. That's why  I suspect a hidden motive, probably the likelihood that if male Missouri Repubs glimpse a woman's bare arm, they will fly into a form of madness much like that of rutting elks. They will butt heads, pee on each other, kick out,  etc. 

Also women's ankles remain a major danger. Rumors of a new requirement that women wear knee boots or waterproof leg gaiters with crampons and mesh stockings have reached the press. 

The Missouri ban on covid masks remains in effect. 

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