Monday, August 29, 2022

Life's Hard Choices

I'm not a fan of Noam Chomsky, but he does speak for the antiwar movement I support. 

Chomsky has characterized the Russia-Ukraine war as criminal and stupid, comparable to the attack America made on Iraq. Chomsky understands our government's failure to live up to treaties with Russia and so on, but history, in his opinion, does not justify Putin's slaughter of Ukrainians.

He points out that Great Powers violate international laws at will. That is what they do. I would caution this: before violating international law, make sure you actually are a Great Power.

Chomsky has called for a cease fire, a withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine and negotiations that produce a peace pact satisfactory to both nations. That is probably how the war will end, and he asks, Why not end it now?

But ending a war requires statesmen, who are in short supply, according to Chomsky. It probably means not threatening Putin with a war crimes trial and allowing him, someone many consider a Fascist, to return to a seat at the world table. 


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