Umberto Eco, best known in this country for THE NAME OF THE ROSE and FOUCAULT'S PENDULUM, grew up in fascist Italy. He worked later as a mystery writer, semiotician, medievalist, etc. I'm borrowing from his 14 point definition of fascism here.
As you read the definition, consider how much applies to Victor Orban, Trump, Putin, Saudi Arabia, etc. (A modern curiosity is the fascist leader who calls himself an anti-fascist.)
1. The fascists develop a cult of the traditional, which often includes retreat into obscure religions, occult beliefs, Christian nationalism, etc.
2. Modernism is rejected by fascists except for its technology. The Enlightenment and reason itself are seen as depraved. Fascism is a form of deliberate irrationalism. Fascist do not need facts to support their beliefs. They "know" things without evidence.
3. Action for action's sake is beautiful and can be taken without reflection. Just act. Drive your pickup into a parade or demonstration. Thinking is emasculating. Intellectuals are degenerates.
4. Disagreement with fascism is treason, and so is support for diversity.
5. Fascism exploits an inherited human fear of difference. Fascists target new folk, particularly those of different appearance. New folk are not fully human, not entitled to vote, etc. (This applies to Amerindians because the American nation was built by white men, its only full citizens.)
6. Fascism grows from real or imagined social frustrations, often from a blocked middle class that feels pressure from the lower classes.
7. Fascists often have nothing to boast of except being born in the nation. They feel besieged. Some group is plotting to take away their waning power, and they suspect it is the Jews.
8. Fascists feel humiliated by the prosperity of people of color.
9. Life should be lived for struggle. Permanent war. Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. Fascists expect Armageddon, a final battle.
10. Every true citizen should be a member of the fascist party. The party will be organized in a military fashion, and the ersatz soldiers will be the new elite (though they will be scorned by the leadership, which considers them fools, easy to manipulate).
11. Education exists to create a cult of heroism and death. A fascist craves a heroic death and killing in general.
12. Few male fascists get chances to play the hero, so they transfer their will to power into sexual matters. They attack women and gays.
13. Individuals have no rights. The people are viewed as a lump having a common will. The leader is the sole interpreter of what the lump wants. This kind of populism is contrasted against democracies, which are seen as weak and rotten and easily defeated in battle.
14. Fascism speaks Orwellian Newspeak, using an impoverished vocabulary and elementary syntax. They push big, simple lies.
It seems to me that American libertarianism is an awkward fit with fascism. But the whole movement is moronic, so I don't suppose it matters.