Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The New Jim Crow

 In 1860 history swept away the Old South. In Western nations slavery had been made illegal nearly everywhere. The South fought a civil war in an attempt to block an incoming historic tide that soon drowned the slave-whipping Bobby Lee and his ilk. But, as we know, a form of violent insurgence, voter suppression and big lies called Jim Crow managed to keep power entirely in the hands of white males for most of the next 100 years. 

We have the same problem again. Call it the New Jim Crow, and it has expanded to places like Arizona. Minoritarians, people who believe that white minorities should rule, have again become violent, attacking the nation's capitol on January 6 and passing laws in outhouse states to make it difficult for people of color (and poor people in general) to vote. 

This time the trolls aren't fighting to extend slavery. They fight to extend a culture in which the n-word can be freely shouted by racists in the public arena. They hate education, art and science, and--unmasked--they love death. They yearn to die and take us with them. 

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