Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Chris Mathews Scale

Dan Monte has suggested the Chris Mathews Scale, which resembles the Richter Scale. It is a unit of measurement, not for ranking earthquakes but for ranking how shaken old white people are by Bernie Sanders.

For example, if Sander's winning the votes of people of color in Nevada terrifies you worse than your neighbor's pitbull, you would rate a 3.4 on the Mathews Scale.  If Sanders winning the white vote finds you comparing the primary in New Hampshire to Hitler's invasion of Belgium, you would rate a 6.6 on the Mathews. Believing you are personally in danger of being singled out by Sanders to be dragged into Central Park and shot in the face by a  youthful POC would earn you a Mathews score of 8.0. So far only Mathews himself and some members of the DNC have merited that high mark. (Don't hesitate to congratulate MSNBC on their election coverage.)

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