Saturday, February 15, 2020


Back in the 1950s, authenticity was a big deal.

Maybe many voters are influenced by how authentic a candidate seems to be. I'm convinced that quite a few voters respond to tRump that way. He is an ignorant, stupid, lying, sexist, racist, homophobic narcissist, and he always looked like one. He openly lied a lot. He lied about being a genius, but he is clearly the authentically bad lying person in town. He is a genuine liar. That's what some fearful or angry voters and Putin preferred, someone deranged and awful who really would blow up binding institutions and the Bill of Rights that protects minorities. Burn down the house.

The Clintons did many things effectively, but they seemed calculating. 

This time around, which candidates do you think are authentic?  Who is good at faking authenticity? Which ones are trimmers, people who shift messages to get more traction? Being authentic--even authentically Satanic--may give a candidate an edge. 

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