Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Gulag in California

Donald Trump, who fancies himself the new Stalin, threatened this week to concentrate undocumented Latinos and ship them to a gulag in Siberia. But Siberia is not available, so he threatened to send them to California. His goal is to punish California sanctuary cities and the undocumented brown folks by putting them together.

Trump hasn't noticed that undocumented people like the weather in California, which once was part of Latin America.

It hasn't occurred to the white-wing commentators on TV that California welcomes undocumented workers with big smiles. To be brutally honest, the undocumented are cheap labor. Capitalists love them. Donald Trump recruits and hires them. But he's too stupid to learn from his own behavior. 

The undocumented make the state safer (their crime rate is below that of citizens). They grow our food and cook it in our cafes. They increase the population of California, which means we get even more liberal members of congress.

So I say to the new Joe Stalin, bring it on, jelly brain. 

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