Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Bernie Takes a Lead

It's too early to matter, but Sen. Bernie Sanders has taken a lead in the contest for the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination. He's ahead in the polls and in money raising. On Sunday he went on Fox News and did well there. His message of economic populism, unchanged for 50 years, drew applause from the Fox audience. 

Among Democrats there are two main views of all this. (1) Sanders' socialism will turn off the centrist Democrats and independents and re-elect tRump. (2) Sanders' economic populism will fire up the Democratic and independent base and attract some tRump populist voters, swamping tRump.

I'm seeing some "never Bernie" stuff, coming from where? Russia?

No one knows if Bernie will get the nomination or what will happen if he does. The one way to find out is to nominate him and renominate the New Deal. That may or may not happen. If the Democratic establishment blocks Sanders in a way that his supporters consider unfair, tRump is likely to win again. If there are many "never Bernie" types, tRump might win again. 

Voters tend to back an outsider against the Democratic National Committee. The average voter doesn't care for DNC. That was part of Obama's appeal when he ran against Hillary. But Obama didn't remain an outsider long. 

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