Thursday, September 27, 2018

Boofer Kavanaugh Needs a Broken Nose

I’ve seen rich kids like Boofer Kavanaugh before, but it was a long time ago, when I was in high school

At the time I had never been in a street fight, but my father had been in many. He’d taught me two things. First, always get in the first punch, because many street fights last one punch. Second, hit them in the nose and break it.

He wasn't the perfect father, but I had reason to love him.

Kavanaugh, as I will call this rich kid from a prep school, and I were at the same dance, and he was drunk and bothering my date. She got testy, so I stopped him, and he insisted we take it out into the night air. Fine. Everyone followed us outside, and once on the grass, he started a run at me (not a sound approach to a brawl). I set myself and hit him in the face as hard as I could, breaking his aristocratic nose and dropping him like a sack of elegant manure. 

Boofer Kavanaugh is another mean drunk. He needs a good beating. In his senate hearing today, he was mean while sober, yelling, insulting women senators, acting belligerent, much like the lightly-brained Lindsay Graham, who rose at the appointed moment to defend what he dotes on. 

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