Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Death Bill

As you have probably noted, the latest Repugnican death bill will force 23 million people out of health care and give billionaires a tax break.

To be fair, I estimate (foolishly) that one million of those people would die anyway from mistakes made by doctors, even if they had good health care. Another two million would die from shark bites or car accidents or things having nothing to do with medicine. That leaves 20 million who will die earlier than their maximum life span because of lack of health care. In short, the death bill will kill 20 million Americans early, but the Repugnicans could not care less, as long as it helps the 1%. 

Have you noticed how many people get cancer? The Repugnicans are cutting money for cancer research. I don’t know about your family, but my mother and father died from cancer, as did my sister and my cousin’s wife and several of my oldest friends. I miss them. Maybe Donald Trump will not get cancer, in which case why should Paul Ryan care? (He  might want to check this out with his church.)

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