Friday, July 15, 2016

Ruth and the Truth

In 2000 the Republican members of the Supreme Court made George W. Bush President of the United States after he had lost the election. The reward for installing an incompetent rejected by voters was a deep recession and an enflamed Middle East. Today we have only eight people on the Court because a Republican Senate will not consider ruling on a nominee made by an Democratic President. Maybe more to the point, each of the eight judges on the current Court is a secret voter with a secret bias, half-hidden from the nation, in the Presidential election coming in November.  I’ve know dogs who were more impartial. In short, everyone with her own brain understands that the Supreme Court is supremely political, but Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been forced to apologize for telling the truth about Donald Trump, a sociopath. According to hypocrites, the judge lost her right to free speech—which she used to defend her country from catastrophe—when she went on the Court. The always priggish New York Times, in support of the absurd myth that the Supremes are above politics, was one of hypocrites calling for this apology. They made the judge shut up. Shame on them.

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