Friday, August 21, 2015

Donald Trump Speaks

Donald Trump speaks: "Let me tell you about the wall I'm going to build, because I am a builder. I build things. That's my job. Do you know the Great Wall of China?  That's a big wall, but it didn't keep out the Chinese. It wasn't tall enough. Now you can see that I'm a tall person, a big guy. That's just the way I am. Bill Clinton is tall--he is tall, really--but next to me,  he looks like a footstool. I don't take credit for that, but I'm tall and I'm going to build a wall that is really really really tall,  taller than any ladder. Let's say it's forty storeys high. I've built taller buildings. Easy. It will be a beautiful wall, and the Mexicans will love it. They're going to pay for it. I won't build an ugly wall. My name is going to be on it. It will be gorgeous. The Mexicans will love it, and they will thank me for building a wall that is thicker than Rick Perry's thinking process. I'll tell you the truth. I went, you know, to the Wharton School of Finance. It's not really a school. It's more like a college, and they taught the smartest people how to think and how to take an inheritance, say a hundred million, and turn it into a fortune.  Rick Perry attacked me, and he went from two percent in the polls to nothing. That's very weak. I didn't ask him to attack me. He has no percentage. I didn't know that was possible. He's running behind Dez Nutts in the polls. I'm twice as tall as Dez  Nutts. That's just something that happened, that some people are taller and smarter than others. The Chinese are smart people and. . . ."

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