Friday, March 13, 2015

Daisy at 80

Daisy, my granddaughter, is a tremendous learning machine, as are children in general. Her parents are college teachers, and her gommy is a retired teacher and librarian. They--and Daisy's school-- have been doing such a full job of teaching Daisy at 100 mph that I can't really squeeze much in.  I decided that I'd better come up with something I could teach the child. I'd probably get only one chance, so what I taught her ought to be the most important thing I had learned in my first 80 years.

The last time I saw her--I usually have trouble getting her attention--I told her that she was now eight and old enough to learn the family motto. That motto was, I said, "Live in the present." She was not impressed. Kids already live in the present. But I'm going to keep repeating the motto, because some day she'll be 80.

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