Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Our major political parties operate somewhat like gigantic corporations.  Taking control of a party can make a confidence man immensely rich. The Clintons understood that and did that and are now in the 1% and growing by the hundreds of millions. For them politics is a business career.

All you have to know about Hillary Clinton is that in 1996 she urged her husband to sign a bill that would strip resources away from poor kids; horny Bill was into "welfare reform," led there by Dick Morris and Hillary. The AFDC, passed by FDR back in 1935 (Aid to Families with Dependent Children), got wiped from the books by the Clintons, who went on to turn the Democrats into yet another party dedicated to obeying the fancy class. Bill got his eight years in office. It's Hillary's turn for eight years, as planned from Day One. That's 16 years of Clintons. And I will vote for Hillary Clinton because the Republicans are getting ready to nominate an amphibian from the dark lagoon.       

1 comment:

GGoss said...

American men get the women they deserve.