Thursday, May 15, 2014

How To Kill Poor People

Timm Herdt, a columnist for the Ventura County Star, recently explained how we have deliberately killed poor people in California by smothering them with paper. In the past if poor people needed medical help, Medi-Cal, deliberately and murderously,  required them to fill out so many demanding forms that about 30% of  them gave up and walked away. That saved the state a lot of money, and you could blame the victims. They should have learned how to fill in the blanks. But with the rise of Obamacare (the ACA), the situation changed abruptly. People saw a lot of publicity about signing up, and there were volunteers and professionals to help with the paperwork. Instead of driving sick people away, the system attracted them. Suddenly a lot more money from the general tax funds will be needed. We hadn't planned on this, because planning requires foresight. (I suggest we require sick people to fill out a new set of forms with a quill pen clenched in their teeth.) 

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