Sunday, April 7, 2013

Trash Talk

The Press Democrat actually printed a news story this morning. That is news in itself. The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors is facing a difficult decision. Should they award the county trash contracts to local people and keep the money in local firms or should they give the business to gigantic, out-of-state Arizona corporations that shovel out campaign contributions like a horn of plenty? Supervisor Shirlee Bob Zane led the advisory committee in this matter, probably because she has received only $11,000 from the Arizona ringmasters. Two of the supervisors, Mike McGuire and Susan Gorin, have taken no cash, so I assume that they will make up the losing side on this issue. When a state bans the teaching of Latino history, as Arizona has done, then the Zanes of the world, the Republicans and Corporate Democrats, see it as their duty to ship Arizona corporations as much of our California tax money as possible. Fair is fair.

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