Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mark Sanford's Sense of Place

I see that former governor Mark Sanford is attempting a comeback. He's running for congress in one of the Carolinas, if he can find his way back to the States. Location is a general concern voters have about Sanford. If you recall, there was a time he believed that he was hiking along the Appalachian Trail when he was actually walking the most elegant streets of Argentina with a high-toned lady. Sanford has attempted to pass this event off as a mistake, but that is not what the term "mistake" means. Ludwig Wittgenstein pointed out once that if you gave a man 100 problems in addition and he got all the answers wrong, you would not conclude that he made mistakes. You would conclude that he did not grasp how to add. Sanford is challenged that way--he has no idea which continent he's on or if he is in a city or a wilderness. He might be anywhere. Electing Sanford as your congressional representative would be as unwise as electing an actor as the leader of the Free World.

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