Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Minority Report

Some may have seen a Tom Cruise science fiction movie of a few years back called MINORITY REPORT. In this film Cruise was part of a special police force that can see into the future and detect upcoming crimes. That way they are able arrest the perps before the crimes take place. But then certain problems develop. . . .

The Giffords assassination attempt (and murders) has raised the question of why the lunatic killer wasn't in clapped into detention before the awful events took place. Along the way the killer displayed symptoms of mental illness in public school, in a community college, and nearly everywhere else. In Arizona, of course, he almost fit in. No one put him away. "He hadn't committed a crime yet," is the explanation.

In fact, people who are a danger to themselves or others can be detained under certain circumstances. One such instance looms in full public view. The federal government is holding prisoners at Gitmo who have committed no provable crime, are not awaiting trial, and who (apparently) will never be released, on the grounds that if let go they might commit a crime in the future.

The future has arrived. Tom Cruise for President!

---Gary Goss

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