Friday, June 25, 2010

Three Reasons Why the Left Seldom Wins

1. I was watching Amy Goodman a few days ago. She is almost the only source of genuine world news on TV. She's the best source of bad news. But when Amy runs out of bad news to report, she fills in her free time by recalling atrocities that occurred ten years before.

I wonder how many of her followers have become totally discouraged? (There's one in my house.)

2. The moratorium on whaling is ending. Time is running out. It wasn't a total moratorium--it had loopholes, and the Japanese and two other nations continue to kill whales and munch on them. Recently representatives of the human world met and attempted to set up up a new plan. Japan, backed by the African nations it supplies with foreign aid, blocked a moratorium. The USA offered a compromise that allowed some whaling (but less whaling than the current loopholed moratorium). The American Left cried out at their own wretched compromising government. But no worries--the whaling commission rejected the pragmatic compromise so condemned by people like me. We have a different kind of compromise: Japan is free to kill whales at will, while I retain my moral purity.

3. The leaders of the Left in Sonoma County seem in some cases to be Truthers who get their information about 9/11 from a source that broadcasts through their dental fillings. Yet to succeed we need able leaders who can communicate with centrists.

So it goes.

--Gary Goss

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