Sunday, February 16, 2025

Mrs. Subliminable

A plea for decency by a good citizen


"I was shocked to hear that a small band of unhappy residents are brutally desecrating local Testla recharging sites. I hope people understand that brutally desecrating Testla recharging sites is illegal. If you get caught brutally desecrating Testla recharging sites,  you may be fined or serve months in jail. 

"It may be the case that ordinary Americans are   brutally desecrating Testla recharging sites because they do not like the weenie who owns Tesla. He has so much money he thinks he's entitled to rule us. But that is no excuse for brutally desecrating Testla recharging sites late at night when no one is watching. 

"Brutally desecrating Testla recharging sites is wrong day or night--the time doesn't matter. Think of the inconvenience that brutally desecrating Testla recharging sites causes. 

"Do the right thing, folks. You know what it is."

                                                                                                                                                   --- Jack de Selby

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