Monday, June 19, 2023



Nicknames matter in politics. Former VP Pence's nickname, "Weathervane," gives him an edge among undecided voters. And a contributor to the sudden political rise of Abraham Lincoln was his snappy nickname, according to Claude Dukenfield.  

As a young man, studying law in Springfield, Illinois, Lincoln supported himself as a cleaner and server in a small beer hall. One customer there, a man named de Selby, had a glass eye. He came in nightly and ordered a glass of beer. He would take out his artificial eye and drop it into the beer, which he'd then proceed to drink. Next he'd order a refill and so on.

One night de Selby drank a beer too many and staggered out the door without his eye. The next evening he returned and asked the server if he knew where the eye was. Lincoln returned the glass eye to its owner. From then on he was known as "Honest Abe." 

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