Monday, May 8, 2023


John Roberts (Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court) and Justice Clarence Thomas are, reporters tell us, afloat in the river of cash being funneled to their wives by billionaires. In short, Roberts and Thomas are as bent as paperclips.

Both men and their wives got rich thanks to the old Republican Party, which was saner but even more corrupt than the bug-headed MAGA types. 

I've seen a Democratic senator defending the right of the Supreme Court to not regulate itself.  Most likely the Democrat is defending his own wife, who is also helping herself at some rich dude's ATM. 

There are around 800 billionaires in America. If one billionaire gave every spouse in the senate a million dollars, he would still have at least 900 million dollars left. And his oil field investments would make up the loss. 

Can we have billionaires and a democracy at the same time? 


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