Sunday, December 25, 2022


From time to time American exceptionalists claim that America is exceptionally hated, more hated than Russia, "and everyone knows that." But do we?

To check on America's reputation, I turned to The Reputation Institute, a real organization, not a name from a superhero movie. According to The Reputation Institute, Canada has the best overall rep but falls short in critical aspects like brand-name products. America does not have the best reputation, not even among tourists, who prefer France. (America comes in second on the tourism scale.)

According to The Reputation Institute, "The US was considered about average in terms of national reputation, known mostly for its technology sector and its recognizable brand-name products. One reason that pushed the US out of the list of the top 20 reputations was the US Supreme Court ruling in favor of super-PACS, a decision that has caused many people at home and abroad to lose trust in the American political system."

That analysis seems dated, but The Reputation Institute points out that it is itself known as "the world's leading research and advisory firm for reputation. We provide  the single-best way to measure, communicate and manage reputation performance." They add that certain places where the rights of women are being curtailed  (Afghanistan? Florida? ) can expect to lose standing in the next survey. 

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