Friday, November 18, 2022

The Parents of Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene, currently a leader in the House of Representatives, has called for the execution of Former-President Barack Obama.  

How did Marge earn a bachelor's degree from the otherwise respectable University of Georgia? Why has Mr. Greene waited until now to divorce her? Is it true that she cheated on him with a polyamorous tantric sex guru? 

Who raised this awful person? 

I read that Greene was born in Milledgeville, Georgia, which might be a weird place. Her father was Robert Taylor, not the movie star, whose real name was Arlington Spangler Brugh. What sort of parent was Bobby Taylor? Does Marge have a mother? When she was a child, what did her mother teach her?

Marge may not be as coarsely stupid as she looks. Consider a tweet she wrote: "For how many years has the American people's money been sent to foreign counties in the form of aid but nothing ever changes?" This praise of our foreign policy--a conservative's goal is to make sure that nothing ever changes--might put her in the mainstream of American political babble, or is she a racist lackwit?

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