Monday, November 28, 2022


In movies a MacGuffin is an object needed for the plot and character motivation but unimportant in itself. For example, the Maltese Falcon or Hunter Biden's laptop.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Because we are chimpanzees

Something that occurs once a day--a sunrise, for example--is not news. For the last three years, America has averaged nearly two mass shootings a day. Most are not news. About 580 shootings a year are ignored by MSNBC. 

What may be news is the quick rise of a new profession, victim counseling services. That's what Americans have in place of gun control, because we are--in terms of DNA--members of the chimpanzee family. 

I am tempted to end all my sentences with "because we are chimpanzees." Like Americans, chimps have choices. They decide to do this or that. But they don't reason linguistically. They just react like a MAGA solid-bonehead shooting strangers. 

"A new study shows that chimpanzees are like humans in another important way — their natural capacity for violence," according to the Harvard Gazette. But isn't it the other way around, that humans are like chimpanzees?

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Special Counsel Jack Smith

The attorney general appointed Jack Smith as special counsel in the federal Trump investigation. What does that mean? Below is what I've read.

1. The attorney general believes there is a strong case. No one appoints a special counsel to handle a weak case.

2. Jack Smith famously prosecutes cases that are not slam dunks. That is, Smith sometimes loses, because he will prosecute even if he might fail. He is likely to charge the pink bonehead. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

The Parents of Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene, currently a leader in the House of Representatives, has called for the execution of Former-President Barack Obama.  

How did Marge earn a bachelor's degree from the otherwise respectable University of Georgia? Why has Mr. Greene waited until now to divorce her? Is it true that she cheated on him with a polyamorous tantric sex guru? 

Who raised this awful person? 

I read that Greene was born in Milledgeville, Georgia, which might be a weird place. Her father was Robert Taylor, not the movie star, whose real name was Arlington Spangler Brugh. What sort of parent was Bobby Taylor? Does Marge have a mother? When she was a child, what did her mother teach her?

Marge may not be as coarsely stupid as she looks. Consider a tweet she wrote: "For how many years has the American people's money been sent to foreign counties in the form of aid but nothing ever changes?" This praise of our foreign policy--a conservative's goal is to make sure that nothing ever changes--might put her in the mainstream of American political babble, or is she a racist lackwit?

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Caught in a 'Trap

The Republicans look trapped, but of course the future can veer off in a new direction.

As things stand, the Repubs can nominate tRump, a loser, for President, or they can nominate someone else, and tRump will rage and rage at the candidate, who will lose. 

The Repub might win if the Democratic candidate dies during the campaign. Or if the Dems nominate an old favorite who is toxic. 

I suggest the Dems nominate someone new with a "moore"  or "mer" sound in her or his name. 

Monday, November 7, 2022

Little Russia

I figure Hitler miscounted when he set out to conquer the world: there weren't enough Germans to go around. Putin may be making a related error. 

In terms of population, Russia is slightly larger than Mexico. In Russia deaths outnumber births. Russia is losing about 1% of its population each year. Among the white ethnic Russians, the birthrate is about 1.6 children per woman. The replacement rate is 2.1. 

These facts may help explain why Putin set out to add the white inhabitants of Crimea and now Ukraine to Russia. It may explain his practice of rounding up small Ukrainian children, telling them their parents no longer want them and then shipping them into Russia to be adopted. 

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Black Women

For some years MSNBC has run a morning news show hosted by black women on the weekends, when viewers are still asleep.  The show has had several different hosts, none of which the Big Guys seemed able to get along with. I suspect that the hosts have been too black, too feisty and too female. 

The latest host to get fired is Tiffany Cross, someone the Big Guys claimed did not meet their network standards (for how women of color should behave on air). 

Cross's show presented points of view seldom seen on network television. I watched it regularly. It was a break from the same old canned stuff. Now I can look forward to more of the identical scripts and clips that get repeated at hourly intervals. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Hammer Time

The Republicans once were the party of the rich. They ran popular hate campaigns that encouraged armed militancy, but the basic function of Republicans was to shift money from poor people to rich people like Paul Pelosi. Today's party, while helping the rich out of habit, has a different main  focus, which is cruelty directed at women, children, minorities and liberals. Hitting an old Pelosi on the head with a hammer is humorous now. Cruelty is campaign fodder. Hammer time! Watch the MAGAts on TV chuckle.