Friday, September 9, 2022

Are Chimpanzees Fascist?

Do chimpanzees, our close relatives, resemble MAGA fascists?

Only in part. Chimpanzees lack religion and capitalist elements, and, unlike fascists, chimps do not reject the Enlightenment.   

Consider this: MAGAts and chimpanzees are bothf    aq extremely traditional. 

For fascists action is beautiful in itself. Thinking is emasculating. Chimpanzees often act without reflection. 

Disagreement is treason for fascists. Chimps seldom disagree with the Leader. 

Fascism seeks unity by exploiting a natural fear of difference. Attacking chimps with strange smells is basic to chimpanzees. 

Chimps will sometimes band together to attack the Leader. Fascists also experience the fear and humiliation involved in being of inferior status. Fascists and chimps may have different ranks and feel a lack of a clear social identity, but they do claim membership in a common, superior tribe.

Fascists and chimpanzees are extremely suspicious of the intentions of other tribes, who are suspected of evil plotting against them.

For chimps pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. Fascists also regard life as a long struggle with enemies for food. Fascists argue that the minorities have too much food, which they will forfeit at the conclusion of the permanent war against everyone else. (How a permanent war can end remains unexamined by chimpanzees.)

Chimps and fascists believe they belong to the best-led group in the world. The different ranks share a kind of shadowy mass elitism. The male fascist engaged in permanent war is a hero in his own eyes. But individuals have no voices. The Leader speaks for all of them. This can result in what Mark Leibovich calls "trickle down idiocy."

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