Saturday, June 5, 2021

Race Norming

Race norming as a formal process began about 40 years ago. I don't know much about it, but I suspect that it started from a good motive, an attempt to level the playing field for people of color. Race norming attempted to do that by adjusting scores on standardized tests for different racial groups. In other words, the score of a black person would be compared only to the scores of black people in general, not to the scores of Caucasians or Asians.  

Probably the assumption was that in a land of unequal opportunity, black people would tend to score lower than white folks, who had gone to better-funded schools. 

Biologists today do not find enough differences among peoples to justify dividing living humans into subspecies or races. 

The National Football League has put aside money to aid former employees who have suffered concussions and a loss of cognitive functions. To receive that money, the former players must be tested. Standards have been set. A Black player must show a lower level of cognitive ability than a White player to get help, because--wait for it--Black players are supposedly dumber to start with. That's one type of race norming in 2021.

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