Thursday, November 14, 2019

The White Country

In October's HARPERS, Lionel Shriver pointed out that the claim that the United States has always been a melting pot is a myth. The idea was that almost anyone could move to this country and fit in. That seldom actually happened unless you came from Europe.

I don't have the exact figures, but 80 years ago, about 85% of Americans were white people of European extraction. More than 10% of us were black; the rest were Asians, Latinos and Amerindians in small numbers. 

Today the percentage of white people in America has dropped about 25  points to around 60%.

Global warming is driving people of color into the northern nations. Most of them would rather stay home, but they move to survive. North America and Europe are finally becoming cultural and racial melting pots, and angry resistance to newcomers is one reason tRump got elected. Something big has changed. Diversity is no longer a pretense. 

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