Saturday, August 12, 2017

Lee to the Rear

I'm watching a Fascist riot in Virginia, where the Nazis and KKK are marching and fighting with anti-Nazis in the street. The alt.right seems to be targeting the local clergy.  Fascist followers of Steve Bannon and Donald Trump are here to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from a town park.

The TV coverage is interrupted by the "Everyone has got a dream" commercial in which a young woman's dream is to be a bindlestiff. 

Back to the riot.

Keep in mind that General Lee was a slave owner who had black women whipped. He went on to lose the Civil War to General Grant. In one battle Lee tried to go the front, but his men drove him back to safety, shouting "Lee to the rear."

Lee to the rear, I say, and keep going.

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