Friday, January 22, 2016

The First War

The first war in recorded history took place in Sumer (Iraq and Kuwait) about 5,000 years ago. In the Book of Genesis, Sumer is called Shinar.

As you may know the Sumerians invented war, the wheel, writing and so on. They invented the city and civilization. They built a Trump wall 155 miles long to fend off Semitic invaders. Like the wall we've built to keep out Latinos, the Sumer wall was not anchored to anything much, so invaders could stride alongside the wall until they reached the end. Then they could march around the corner. Which invaders did do,  among them the famous Abraham, a Founding Father. 

I don't know who started the first war in history or what it was about, but it must have been important.  We are still fighting it today.

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