Thursday, September 10, 2015

The End-Of-Life Option

Healdsburg is a small, charming town well down the road to becoming wholly owned by the swanky.  Our progressive state senator (Mike McGuire) and our progressive assembly member (Jim Wood) hail from Healdsburg, while ably representing much larger districts. I got to know them when they first ran for the Healdsburg city council, and they are why it makes sense to participate in our badly flawed political system. 

I read in the paper today that the California assembly has passed a right-to-die bill. It should get through the senate easily.  Then it will be up to Gov. Jerry Brown, who does the right thing once in a while.

I just want to thank Mike and Jim for this bill. I'm 80, which means I have watched people I love deeply go through long difficult painful and pointless struggles to die. 

(Also seen on Facebook)

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