Thursday, June 4, 2015

How to Spot a Terrorist

In the May edition of HARPER'S, we learn that the city of Jackson, Florida, produced an instructional video on how to spot a terrorist. Viewers are told to beware of people who display "average or above average intelligence." Watch out for folks who seem to have made a "conspicuous adaptation to Western culture and values." You should suspect any turkey who "demonstrate religious behavior" such as "mumbling prayers."

I can buy a lot of that, especially the part about mumbling prayers. Okay, I might have been for mumbling when I was a young hot-head and more radical, but that was decades ago.  

More important, from the above criteria we can deduce the sort of people we ought to trust.  Americans can depend on the man or woman of below average intelligence, like the guys who made this video.  Put your faith in those who can't seem to adapt to our culture and values and don't pray. Or maybe the trusted dude can pray if he enunciates clearly. That part isn't clear.

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