Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Arrest Them

Dianne Feinstein is not the worst senator in Washington. I don't like her, but she isn't bone stupid like the Republican senators who deny science on behalf of an imaginary friend who lives on Mount Olympus. She hasn't dedicated her waking life to evil works. Feinstein is a corporate Democrat, herself one of the fancy class, which means she mostly serves her peers, the rational rich, and on occasion she does something for ordinary voters. Today she is releasing a 600 page summary of a longer report on the torture used against prisoners by the second, feckless Bush administration.

The people need to understand and discuss what has been done in our name. Anyone who says we don't need to know is attempting to smother what remains of our democracy. 

Torture is illegal under our Constitution. If a government agent finds himself in a situation where torture is an absolute necessity, he should do it and then turn himself in to be tried. When MLK decided it was necessary to break the law, he broke it and waited to be arrested. He didn't run. He was genuinely committed to the democratic system he was trying to improve. We have let our official torturers run and hide and pretend to be everything but what they obviously are. They broke the law. Arrest them.


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