Monday, June 23, 2014

The Animal Kingdom

The towhee who lives in our hedge has formed an attachment to the similar bird it sees in the side window of our  Camry. Day after day the bird hangs out on the side of the car, jumping back and forth and peering intently at its double, decorating the vehicle in its excitement.

Glass seems to introduce all sorts of problems into animal life. A relative told me recently about the trouble glass brought to the lives of her two cats. They were brother and sister, indoor cats, accustomed from birth to sharing space and warmth. But recently one cat accidentally got outside and came around to peer into the house through a low window.  Its sibling saw it but couldn't smell it, and the fight was on. Each cat raged at the intruder on either side of the window. until an American force arrived and once again made them live together.

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