Saturday, March 23, 2013

Chinese Anchor Babies

I have no good insights into why the Republicans lost the Asian vote in the Presidential election.  Asians used to vote Republican. Maybe American Asians grew disgusted with the racism the Republicans boasted about so proudly. My brother did suggest an interesting factor in all this. Apparently wealthy Chinese and other Asians have started up a large regular system of anchor babies. That is, wealthy men fly their pregnant wives in from China. The wives are met at the airports by a helpful service that will house and feed them for the remaining month or two of pregnancy. And also take them shopping and so forth. It adds up to a nice holiday. In the end the mom and child return home and the child has dual citizenship. (I admit to admiring the Chinese.)  Now if I were Asian, I might notice that Latinos catch hell for anchor babies (largely a Republican myth). I might, just for pragmatic reasons, vote for a less dangerous group of foolish candidates.

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