Thursday, November 4, 2010

News from the Republicorp

Until recently John Boehner (R-Ohio) was known mainly for combining two jobs, congressman and lobbyist. He's the dude who famously passed out tobacco lobby checks to fellow crooks on the floor of the House of Representatives. In the words of the song, he needed someone to help him scrape the mucous off his brain. Boehner is also famous for weeping in front of microphones (someone asked recently what would have happened if Nancy Pelosi had addressed the nation with tears streaming down her face). So Boehner is a red-faced booby, but what he's not is a Teabagger. Boehner is in politics--like any career Republicorp--for the hundreds of millions of dollars he can make in Wall Street payoffs.

The clash between the Republicorp millionaires and the Ayn Randian loonies of Teabaggertown has already begun.

I had noticed years ago that the Press Democrat's three or four person editorial board was pro-environment only as long as it did not interfere with corporate profits. The PD is a corporation, and its editorial board will defend business profits even if doing so makes the planet uninhabitable. That is their job. That is what the editors do for a living. The most recent example is their destruction of Pam Torliatt (using a Rovian fake "sanctuary" issue) and their Santa Rosa coup in electing profit-over-environment business puppets to the city council.

The PD's method is to join the Republicorp in secretly backing corporate Democrats to defeat genuine Democrats.

I canceled my subscription.

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