Friday, July 30, 2010

The Two Chelseas

I'm unsure which Chelsea I like best, Chelsea Handler or Chelsea Clinton.

Chelsea Handler is a striking woman who was born in 1975 in New Jersey to poor parents, a Jew and a Mormon. If you never heard of her, she's an award winning stand-up comic with a long-running talk show on cable. She's quite funny if you don't mind cringe-worthy smutty jokes (okay by me). Her sidekick on the talk show is a dwarf.

Chelsea Clinton was born in 1980 and grew up in the White House where she learned good values from her wealthy Protestant parents, a President of the United States and a future Secretary of State. Today she is a hedge fund manager, and she is about to marry in a ceremony that will cost a rumored 3 million dollars. She did not invite the Obamas to her wedding. (Well, we are in a depression, and money is tight.)

This reminds me that in 1965 I invited Lyndon Johnson to my wedding at City Hall in Los Angeles. He didn't come, but someone in his office sent a nice note and signed his name.

I think in the end I have to go with the older Chelsea. The younger one is not all that amusing.

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