Wednesday, July 1, 2009

thinking clearly on global warming

As Stephen Colbert put it, Michael Jackson has just died and no one is thinking clearly. Nevertheless . . . .

A friend recently directed me to a vegan web site that claimed that cattle are the main source of global warming. If that is the case, then our duty is clear. We must eat these dangerous cows as quickly as possible. Six billion people eating beef twice a day would, by my count, eliminate all cattle within 17 months, solving half the global warming problem.

The other half could be handled by not eating plant life. Vegetables, it is well established, pull destructive elements out of the air and store it safely in roots. Every time we pull up a carrot and chew on it, we begin a process that ends in releasing methane into the night sky.

I'm reminded of an environmental slogan from the 1960s: "Help Save the Planet--Kill Yourself."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES! In 17 months, once the livestock
is all consumed, it will be time for lights out in all the slaughterhouses, henhouses,
pork factories and what have you.
During that 17 month period, the
millions of acres of genetically
modified corn and soybeans that have been grown to feed the livestock can be replanted with a healthy variety of fruits, nuts, berries, legumes and vegetables to provide a healthy diet for people,
biological diversity, and a healthier planet for our children.