Monday, September 16, 2024

The False Witness

Senator Vance claimed that Haitian immigrants in Ohio, like Johnny Rebeck, are stealing and eating their neighbors' cats and dogs. 

Sunday Vance admitted that he was "willing to create stories so that American media would pay attention."   In short, Vance is a false witness.

One of the basic tenets of western civilization (and its religions) is: "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." If we spread ridiculous and dangerous fictions about the neighbors, our society will come unglued. 

Vance and his masters do not care, but we'd better care. There's a lot at stake. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Nobody Home

David Frum pointed out that when someone punches a narcissist, his defense may be to pretend that nothing has happened and no one is standing in front of him. 

We saw that last night. Kamala ate Trump's lunch, so he pretended he wasn't hungry. And she smiled as she fed, so no one blamed her. 

It was cold-blooded tough. Kamala, I think, comes from Oakland, where everyone is tough. 

Kamala and her team had decided to attack a stupid, spoiled, weak, mentally ill Fascist by pushing his buttons. 

He could not look the racially-mixed woman in the face. He kept closing his eyes.  He never used her name, refused to admit she was really present. 

Trump got mad and shouted at the two ABC reporters but not at Kamala.  

Kamala had memorized about ten of Trump's buttons. She pushed them one by one, smiling, spacing out the debacle until his balding head exploded.

I have never seen anything like it.


Well, Kamala played Trump like a yoyo.

Oh, Mister Johnny Rebeck, how could you be so mean?

I told you you'd be sorry for inventing that machine 

Now all the neighbor's cats and dogs will never more be seen

They'll all be ground to sausages in Johnny Rebeck's machine.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Today Agent Orange will "debate" Kamala Harris. An averaging of polls shows that Orange is viewed favorably by 43% of American voters, although he has been convicted of a sexual attack on a woman and of more than 30 felonies. 

Orange behaves in public like a disintegrating elderly man who is mentally ill. 

It's unlikely that 43% of Americans approve of rape or felonies. Much of the Orange support probably comes from people unable to locate or weigh evidence. They never learned how to reason. 

Thinking is a form of work they dodge. It's too hard.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


I did not understand why MAGAts, who want white women to bear many white children, have been attempting to outlaw IVF (in vitro fertilization). That seemed to contradict the MAGA breeding program. 

Finally someone explained it to me. 

Because we have IVF, women are often able to have children later in life, which enables young women to enjoy early careers, make money and shape their own lives. And then bear children if they choose. 

If you believe that young women should work in kitchens and be submissive cleaners and sex workers, IVF is a devil's tool. It lends itself to personal choices and disobedience.   



Monday, September 2, 2024

Act Now

I no longer listen when American politicians tell us that they totally support Israel's right to self defense and also are committed to justice for Palestinians. 

It's time to act. No more talk. Do something.

Thousands of years ago, Hammurabi laid down the rule of an eye for an eye, a rule designed to limit the range of revenge. So impressed by this commonsense were the ancient Israelites that they included the rule in the Torah. Christians adopted it in the Old Testament. 

The rule is not ten eyes for an eye. 

Our leaders can stop the war in Gaza. They should do something. The Overton window has shifted. Act now.