Saturday, September 7, 2019

America as Cowards

We start the weekend learning that the leaders at the national weather service have repudiated their own scientists and agreed with tRump's deranged lies about Alabama being threatened by Hurricane Dorian. Also that several branches of government--the Attorney General, the military, the Vice President--have been patronizing tRump's properties at government expense, enriching the balmy President in joints that formerly ached with monetary losses. tRump is sucking the government dry.

Nancy Pelosi cravenly continues not seeing enough evil in tRump to open impeachment hearings, although the President's deranged malfeasance is obvious to every person in the world with his or her own brain. The Democrats have failed us. The Republicans are abolishing their own primaries in an effort to block a minor challenge to the President's re-election.

The Constitution hangs in tatters.  Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsey have seated enough creepy judges to get away with more than even tRump can steal . 


I'm going on a family bicycle ride. And my granddaughter's singing of "Alone" has had  5,000 views on the 'net.

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